Summer is a time to enjoy the warmth of the sun, soak up vitamin D, and spend time outdoors with friends and family. However, the hot and humid weather can take a toll on our skin and overall health if we're not careful. The scorching sun can cause sunburn, dehydration, and heatstroke, while the humidity can lead to excessive sweating and breakouts. To ensure a healthy and happy summer season, it's essential to take care of your skin and prioritize your well-being. In this blog post, we'll be sharing some of the best summer health and skincare tips that will help you stay cool, hydrated, and glowing all summer long.

Eat healthy and stay hydrated

The summer sun and outdoor activities may be very draining, especially the water. Your body is at least 60% water, and water is essential for maintaining proper body function. However, extreme heat and significant perspiration might make you quickly lose water.

The good news is that staying hydrated doesn't need you to consume copious amounts of water. Water can also be obtained from the food you consume.

Wear sun protection

The arrival of summer will bring beach days, barbecues, swimming pools, flip-flops and a lot of time spent in the sun.

One of the best aspects of this season is being outside and taking advantage of the pleasant weather. However, if you don't use sun protection, you can wind up being sunburned and suffering while everyone else is having a good time.

 Here are some recommendations for safeguarding your skin all year long and throughout the summer:

Apply sunscreen

Skin deterioration is caused by the sun's ultraviolet (UV) radiation. No matter the weather, whether it's bright or foggy, it's critical to shield your skin from UV radiation. Wearing sun protection is one approach to achieve this.

Make sure the product is "broad spectrum" on the label, which means it helps block both UVA and UVB rays. For the best protection, stick with SPFs of 30 or greater. Also, remember to look at the expiration date!

Apply sunscreen liberally and reapply whenever necessary, especially if you've been swimming or perspiring.

Put on a hat

A hat with a minimum 2- to 3-inch brim keeps the sun off your face and also provides eye protection. Consider wearing protective gear on the rest of your body as well. This kind of clothing offers constant protection and won't eventually lose its effectiveness like sunscreen.

Put on your shades

Wear sunglasses all year long to shield the sun's glare off your eyes and the sensitive skin surrounding them. While it may seem unnecessary to spend a little more on sunglasses that block UV rays, doing so actually benefits your skin. The area surrounding the eyes is best protected by sunglasses with large frames.

Don’t Sunbath

Even if you are wearing sunscreen, it is never a good idea to purposefully expose oneself to the sun for an extended period of time. If you stay in the shade, such as behind a tree or a beach umbrella, you'll be considerably happy (and cooler). But keep in mind that even in the shade, some UV rays from the sun can still penetrate, so use sunscreen anyway.

Skip the tanning bed

The American Academy of Dermatology estimates that using indoor tanning beds just once throughout your lifetime significantly increases your risk of skin cancer by 20%. Use a self-tanning body lotion if you value having a sun-kissed look.

Avoid bugs and bites

Although the summer is a fantastic time to enjoy the great outdoors, mosquitoes occasionally make it unpleasant. These insects, which regrettably flourish in warm climates, can become a serious nuisance if you are not fully prepared. There are many things you may do to minimize or get rid of mosquito bites. The top 4 methods for avoiding mosquito bites this summer are listed below.

  1. Use Insect Repellent : When you are outside, you should wear insect repellent to avoid getting bitten by mosquitoes. Dawn and dusk are when mosquitoes are most active, thus it is crucial to take precautions then. If you reside in a forested location or are going on a summer walk through the forest, you can also be more prone to bites. The most effective insect repellents, according to the Environmental Protection Agency, are those that include DEET or picaridin as active components. When purchasing an insect repellent, be cautious to check the ingredients on the label because these products typically offer protection that lasts longer than others.
  2. Wear Pants and Long Sleeve Shirts : Wearing long sleeves and trousers when you are outside will help you avoid getting bitten by mosquitoes, despite the fact that this may make you sigh on a hot summer afternoon. Even while it could be a little uncomfortable, it's preferable to being bitten by mosquitoes! Check with your favourite store to see what might be available as there are several lightweight, long-sleeved and bug-resistant shirts available.
  3. Prevent Standing Water in Your Yard : Remove any standing water from your yard as soon as you can because this is where mosquitoes like to breed! After a period of severe rain, when flower pots, birdbaths, and other basins can easily fill with water, it is especially crucial to keep in mind this. You may lessen the amount of mosquitoes in your yard by regularly changing the water in birdbaths, removing extra water from flower pots, draining kiddie pools, and getting rid of other places where water can collect!
  4. Keep Your Porch Screens in Good Condition : Mosquitoes can enter your home if your screens are not in good condition, even if they are more likely to bite you outside. To prevent getting bitten, quickly fix any screens that have tears or holes. This summer, you want to enjoy the nice weather while lounging on your deck or porch, not get eaten alive by bugs.

Know about allergies, especially pollen allergies

Grass pollen, which reaches moderate to high levels during the summer, is typically what causes summer allergies.

Allergies are welcomed by the abrupt seasonal shift in temperature from chilly winters to scorching summers! Summers are typically humid, which causes an increase in the quantity of mould fungi that grow on dead grass and leaves, which in turn causes various allergies, such as. Allergy to pollen

What is pollen allergy?

Most of the time, pollen spreads and falls during the spring, summer, and fall. You may have noticed that your car is covered in this powdery, yellow stuff. Grass, trees, and weeds are typically the primary offenders since their pollen is tiny, light, and dry, making it simple for the wind to disseminate. In contrast, the pollen carried between plants by bees and other pollinating insects is big and waxy in plants with vividly coloured flowers (such as roses).

Summer diet

During the summer, our bodies naturally crave light foods and small meals that are easy to digest because the agni (the digestive fire)—a strong source of internal heat—disperses in order to help keep us cool.

Overeating can be reduced by being completely present during meals and appreciating the flavor and texture of your food.

In the summer, people tend to like sweet, bitter, and astringent flavors as well as cool, liquid, and perhaps slightly oily dishes.  The ideal time of year to eat salads and fresh fruits is right now. Additionally, it's a fantastic time to enjoy sweet dairy foods like milk, butter, ghee, cottage cheese, freshly made yogurt, and maybe even ice cream.

With the exception of honey and molasses, all naturally occurring sweeteners are cooling and safe to consume during the summer.

Enjoy a sweet lassi, cold herbal teas like peppermint, liquor ice, fennel, or rose, cool or room temperature water infused with mint or lime and a bit raw sugar, or the occasional beer to beat the heat. Iced beverages should be avoided since they interfere with the digestive process and lead to toxin build-up. 

Avoid eating too many sour or under ripe fruits, old cheeses, and hot vegetables and spices like mustard seeds, beets, carrots, and onions. Cayenne pepper and other highly spicy foods should be avoided at all costs.

Additionally, bear in mind that fresh veggies (such as those found in salads) will digest more easily if they are consumed at lunch rather than dinner.